Long time Atlanta Braves 3B
Chipper Jones is mad at the umpires. Again. If my memory serves me correctly this isn't the first time that Jones has complained about bad umpiring. The man does (or did have before the game) have a 0.328 batting average that was sixth in the majors. I guess he does somewhat have a point in being able to know "what a strike looks like". Of course we all know that umping is subjective and people make mistakes. I just wonder how much the MLB is going to fine Jones for his comments.
Does anyone know if Chipper is his real name?
just looked it up. its larry wayne. an excerpt from wikipedia:
"His nickname, "Chipper," came from family members who felt he was a "chip-off-the-old-block" of his father. Jones and his second wife (Sharon) have three children, Larry Wayne III (Trey), Tristen, and Shea, named for the place where he is most feverently hated, the home of the New York Mets. In 1998, Jones was a subject of scandal due to his fathering of a child — with a Hooters waitress, not his wife at the time, Karin.[6][7]"
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