This has been up on Beta Bridge for a full week now:

Typical UVA students and their infighting. There is absolutely no way that Craig Littlepage will even consider firing Groh MIDSEASON for his team's horrible performance on the field. If something were to happen off the field, then its anybody's guess. That said, this would seem to be a salient point. Is it within the rights of the athletics department to remove anyone that is publicly criticizing a player or coach?
My answer would be absolutely not. I think that fans should be allowed to voice their opinions, whatever they may be, as long as they would be acceptable in any public forum (no profanities, etc). BUT, I believe that as part of being a responsible fan, you play with the hand that you were dealt. Even, if you HATE someone on your own team, you wish for them to succeed, because well, that means they are contributing to the TEAM succeeding.
So I believe that arrogance on the student's part is the true culprit. While not unique to UVA sports fans, but, in particular when I go to home basketball games, many fans believe themselves to be more intelligent then the coaches. UVA students in particular are fed from their first summer orientation that they are special for attending the "University". While its not necessarily a bad thing to boost the self-esteem of pimply freshmen, it does lead to an attitude of self-entitlement and belief that well I got into UVA, I am smart, I watch football, I could coach this team. I mean that play when Sewell threw an interception its obvious that he should have checked down. This attitude is a slippery slope that leads to never-ending dissatisfaction with the team. If you always think that you can do a better job, then how will you ever be happy with the team's performance?
In the end, you have the right to say whatever you want about the team (as long as its true), but sometimes you have to wonder about what it is that you are truly trying to accomplish? Do you honestly believe that a coaching change is in order? or do you just think you are smarter then the coach?
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