Wizards beat the Celtics 109-95 to become the only team in the NBA to beat the Celtics 3 times this season. Jamison dunked over KG (see previous post), and Gil played some good minutes coming off the bench. There was this really annoying (and probably very drunk) Celtics fan sitting a few rows in front of me who had a really crappy sign and was talking trash the whole time even though his team lost. I've got some really good content here. Enjoy.
DeShawn Stevenson's signature. How much do you think this ball is actually worth?
Caron Butler's signature...
Old All-Star stuff...
Jamison bobble-head. Does this really look like him?
Pimp my ride....
Ray Allen...
Paul Pierce...go that way!
Ray Allen on the jumbo-tron
Gil still not 100% (see left leg)
Coach Doc Rivers
Bill Walton!
Annoying fan...
Big Baby doesn't want to have his picture taken
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