Thursday, December 27, 2007

Quotes for the Year


"This game ain't basketball anymore, it's entertainment. It's starting to get like the WWF. There ain't no real wrestling anymore, either. It's all fake."

Pistons forward Rasheed Wallace, after Detroit lost to the Cleveland Cavaliers in the Eastern Conference finals. Two months later, the FBI announced that it had learned NBA official Tim Donaghy bet on games he refereed.

"Eighteen is to 19 what four is to three. Gehrig was great, but he wasn't Ruth."

Former Baltimore Colts and New York Giants general manager Ernie Accorsi, making the comparison between Peyton Manning (18) and John Unitas (19) to Lou Gehrig (4) and Babe Ruth (3).


"Yeah, well maybe next time, you will estimate me."
- Michael, to Jan, who said she underestimated him, on The Office

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