Washington Wizards opened at 30/1 to win NBA finals and are currently at 30/1. THAT MEANS EVEN STEVENS BETTING ON BOTH SIDESS>. or nobody cares. I VOTE NOBODOY CARES So THAT agent zero believes it is perceived slight and SCORES 50 TONIGHT! over under on games won: 40.5, which is 9TH in the (l)EAST. VEGAS SAYS NO PLAYOFFS FOR ZARDS. noted SPORTS GUY rates Wizards as 10th in the (l)EAST. Another perceived slight at AGENT HIBACHI ZERO.
TONIGHTS GAME: LES BOULEZ vs PACERS. HAYMAKERS EVERYWHERE, ESPECIALLY DIRECTED AT MICHAEL DUNALEVY JUNIORRRRRRRRRRR. Pacers favored by one....I would go ahead and take the underdog. I will not be able to watch, but whilst i throw ping pong balls at cups full of beer, i will be thinking of my hero....ZERO.

Hopefully the game is on TV tonight. I'll try to blog it if it is. It'd be great if Gil goes for 50 points to start the season off right.
you should just go ahead and put a heart around a REAL star, the one, the only Mr. Dwight Howard
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